Well the whirlwind that are the holidays and moving is finally settling. I am now feeling as if I can come up for air. We arrived in MD and within a week traveled up to NYC to celebrate the holidays with family and friends. Now we are in our new home and still living with boxes around but all in all we are settled.
The boys have done remarkably well. I'm so impressed with how laid back they have been through this process.
Once my sewing machine is unpacked I will begin making all the new ideas I have for products for the spring. I'm so excited and anxious to get back to work.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
I've been busy :)
I'm sorry that I haven't posted in ...well..a really freakin' long time. But I've been busy. And I know everyone uses that as an excuse. But...I'm for real!
Participated in some craft shows to start the holidays off. All were a great success!
I have been "shopping" the Picasso Chalk Mats to stores nonstop. And so far I have 3 stores carrying them. VERY EXCITED about that. The most recent is a great shop in Wallingford.
As you all know we live in Seattle and my husband on a total whim applied for this job in MD. What were the chances?!?! Well he did a phone interview and after waiting for a while to hear back...we got the call that they want to offer him the job! More $, more vacation time, actual sick days and great benefits. How can we say no!?!?!
And it's 30 minutes from my family. A simple 4 hour drive to friends and family in NYC.
So we are moving :)
Like in 2 weeks.
I packed the relocation cube already and it is in transit, as I type, to Baltimore. We just accepted an offer on our house last night after only being on the market for 1 week.
Everything is falling into place.
A sign that the universe agrees that we are making the right choice.
Participated in some craft shows to start the holidays off. All were a great success!
I have been "shopping" the Picasso Chalk Mats to stores nonstop. And so far I have 3 stores carrying them. VERY EXCITED about that. The most recent is a great shop in Wallingford.
As you all know we live in Seattle and my husband on a total whim applied for this job in MD. What were the chances?!?! Well he did a phone interview and after waiting for a while to hear back...we got the call that they want to offer him the job! More $, more vacation time, actual sick days and great benefits. How can we say no!?!?!
And it's 30 minutes from my family. A simple 4 hour drive to friends and family in NYC.
So we are moving :)
Like in 2 weeks.
I packed the relocation cube already and it is in transit, as I type, to Baltimore. We just accepted an offer on our house last night after only being on the market for 1 week.
Everything is falling into place.
A sign that the universe agrees that we are making the right choice.
Friday, September 01, 2006
The Danskin Triathlon Experience

Well I did it! I finish my first triathlon. The whole experience was amazing and I am so thankful that my friend, Nikki, convinced me to join her on this journey. I admit I started this endeavor with the hopes of loosing the baby weight that I gained with Zane (now 1 yr. old). And since we’ve decided that 2 kids makes our family complete I was anxious to finally get back in shape and in my words. “Get my body back”. As all moms know the stretch marks are permanent and the boobs will never be as perky as they once were before breastfeeding but that aside I wanted to reclaim some of my pre-baby(s) body.
As I mentioned before I swam ½ mile then went right into biking 12 miles and finished the event with a 3 mile run.
I’ll start at the beginning.
The swim:
They have you in waves of 100 by birth date and each wave wears a different colored cap. My friend, Nikki, was a few waves before mine but we went to the swim start together. Waited in line for the port-a-potty one last time before the tri started. Luckily the port-a-potties were right near the swim start. J
It was interesting finding your wave…going up to other nervous strangers wearing red caps, “are you in wave 23?” Eventually we formed into one moving red capped, 100 women machine and we slowly waited in line to start the race. Each wave was sent out every 3 minutes. Oh and did I mention there were 5 thousand women participating?!?!
Finally it was our turn to start, we walk down the ramp into the 76 degree water and listen to Sally Edwards give a fantastic pep rally type speech that has us all giving double high fives to women closest to us and shouting “I am a great tri-athlete!!!”
I made a point while waiting in line to be on the outside of the clump. Honestly I feared what happened to the women in the middle or front. I had heard stories from past competitors of being kicked-hit-swam over etc. So I stayed firm on the outskirt of the group. Swimming began and yes it was totally crazy in the beginning, it seemed as though everyone was all pumped up and going full speed ahead. After the first buoy though things changed. I swam breaststroke the entire time. I am a very strong swimmer. Have swam competitively all of my childhood and teen years and I didn’t plan on swimming breaststroke. But it has always been my best stroke and I found it easier in the open water swim to dodge and to pass people a hell of a lot easier than freestyle. Plus it forced me to remain in control of my breathing and center myself for the rest of the race.
Transition into Bike:
I have to make a note that I was possibly in the worst section for my transition area. I was so far from all the starting points, so while other competitors walked to their bike, I jogged. I kept my transition area very simple and clean. My house can be described in exactly the same way. I had a towel to wipe my feet. And on top of the towel; my running shoes with these handy little lace toggles Nikki bought us so we wouldn’t have to spend time tying our shoes. Socks perfectly placed in my shoes so that I would just have to slip my foot in the sock/shoe and go. A bottle of water and Gatorade. A hair tie. Lip balm and a tri belt with my number attached for the run. And a tampon in a Ziploc bag (I was due to get my period that day as luck would have it. So I wanted to make sure I was prepared in case “flow” decided to appear half way thru the bike.)
The bike was pretty smooth in the beginning and then we hit this part where you have to go single file across a dirt path and then immediately make a sharp left and up a steep hill. It’s very short but very steep. And volunteers at the entrance of the dirt path are yelling, “Downshift! Granny gears!” Imagine 4 lanes of traffic merging into 1. That’s what it was like. So the person in front of me and behind me is about 2 inches from my tires. So I’m half way up the hill and the girl in front of me totally freaks and sort of falls/leans off her bike which means I have to quickly jump off my bike in order not to have a major collision which also entails 4 women behind me have to do the same thing. We all run up the hill with our bikes, make the sharp right hand turn and got started on our bike across I-90 in the closed express lane.
The view was amazing. The weather was beautiful. And while riding I reminded myself that I am doing this triathlon for myself and I took a few moments to enjoy the wonderful view. I mean when am I ever going to bike across I-90 in the closed express lane????
So the steep hill I described before meant we had to go down it on the way back. We hit a turn around point on I-90 to go back the way we came. So the steep hill was a little scarier going down when the chic in front of me is a mere inch from my front tire. And of course after the up incident, I was worried! But it all happened flawlessly and on to the bike finish zone. In order to get in the transition area you have to walk your bike and as I pass under the bike finish awning I hear screams “Go Gretchen!!!” from 2 of my friends, Corie and Wendi, who came to cheer Nikki and I on. I tell you what that simple moment fueled me in a way I cannot even express. So I rack my bike, grab my hair tie, tri belt with number attached and I hear “Go Gretchen” again from the girls making their way to the run start. I wave and jog my way into the run.
The Run: First off let me say I am not a runner. I am not built to be a runner. I have big boobs. Do I have to say more? So this was my least favorite event to train for. During the 3 mile run I jogged into speed walking. And I will say that as an ex-NY’er my speed walking skills are pretty rock on and I was actually passing people who were jogging. You NY’ers out there know what I’m talking about. J So I hit the 2-mile mark and the girl who volunteered to be this marker was so awesome! I give her such props! She shouted things like “You ladies rock! You are so awesome! You finished a triathlon! You are beautiful women!” These are exactly the things you need to hear at mile 2 in a triathlon. So I breathlessly ask, while jogging, “where is the 2 ½?” “At the corner”, she responds with a huge grin and a “you can do it” yell.
Here’s the deal…my goal was to run the last ½ mile and finish strong. So I turn the corner and as luck would have it a huge hill is in front of me. But these 3 angels were in the middle of the hill playing drums. The tribal beat they created got me up that hill. I yelled “thank you” as I passed. If it wasn’t for the beating of the drums…I may have walked. But I didn’t, I ran on. And into the home stretch, which was crowded with people clapping and yelling, “you are almost there, you can do it!”
I ran into the finish. Gave Sally Edwards a high 5! And thankfully my wonderful hubby was at the end ready to wash me in kisses and a huge hug!
I did it! I finished my first triathlon!!!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
My First Triathlon

I am so excited and totally freaked out at the same time. This is a picture of my friend, Nikki and I (I am on the left) showing off our numbers. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
My PigPen

Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Business lessons learned at your pediatrician
You can learn more about your business in one well child doctor visit than anywhere else. Well at least I did today. The best doctor I’ve ever had has decided to move to OR. Dr. Bonnie Nedrow is a midwife and a pediatrician so I saw her all through my pregnancy with Zane and then she was his doctor after he was born. We love her so much and I cried at our last visit with her. I know I can’t expect to find another Dr. Bonnie in the bunch but I do have standards. I hate going to the baby mill pediatricians. Where you have no relationship with the doctor that you see for maybe 10 minutes even though you have sat in the exam room for 45 minutes waiting for your precious visit with him/her. And I like to support the more mom and pop type places in general. So I found a pediatrician through my insurance website that was relatively close to our house, 20 minutes. And she has her own practice. The extra bonus is that she is a family doctor so we could all go to see her as our primary doc.
First off let me say that the place was immaculate. When my 1 year old dropped a cheerio and popped it in his mouth before I could get to it I didn’t cringe. It was that clean. And for people who know me this is a huge thing for me, I’m a bit of a clean freak. The place might as well be a showroom at Ikea for a doctor’s office. Nothing is wrong with that. I joke that they film the Ikea commercials at our house. Hey it’s cute and affordable and we’re not the type of people who will hold on to anything long enough to make the purchase of buying furniture that will last through years of torment. So that being said. The woman at the front desk, the receptionist is friendly enough and smiles when we come in. I tell her who we are. No one else is there…No other patient…. keep this in mind, the entire 1 ½ hours we are there. Which is mildly eerie. Well I have to ask, “Do I need to fill anything out? This is our first time here.” “Oh right! Duh! Yeah this.” As she hands me a clipboard and papers to fill out. So I get to work on the papers and then we wait to be called. The same receptionist appears in front of us and says “Zane your next”…but this time she is wearing this little nurse jacket. Now I am getting a very weird feeling. She takes us into an exam room, it’s just as clean as the waiting room, and tells me to take off Zane’s clothes down to the diaper. Standard stuff. She then holds out her arms to hold him and says, “I’m going to take him to be weighed.” I smile as politely as I can and say, “I’d prefer to be with him at all times.” Call me protective but I’m not just going to hand over my baby to someone I don’t know…nurse or no nurse. So we go down the hall to weigh him and I ask, “do you want me to take his diaper off?” “Oh no leave it on. What we do is I’ll weigh him and then we’ll go back to the room and then you can take his diaper off and I’ll then go weigh his diaper and subtract it from this total.” Puzzled I smile and say, “why don’t I just take it off right here and you don’t have to do the math of subtracting.” “Oh I don’t want him to have an accident and pee all over me and the new scale.” Hmmm. So the scale is actually top of the line baby scale but it’s in this built in cubby area so she suggests I lay him down and I tell her that it will be best if I sit him up cause otherwise if I lay him down he will be able to kick the walls and the weight won’t be accurate. She insists to lay him down so I do and Zane promptly starts kicking the walls and the number of his weight is jumping all over the place and she says “well it looks to be about 19 ½ pounds. We’ll just call it that.” My mouth hits the floor. The weight was jumping between 19-22 pounds depending on when he kicked the walls. So from there she takes me to another room to figure out how long he is. So she has this measuring thing, I’ve never actually seen anyone use one of these. Every doctor we’ve had whether it was a naturopath doctor or a pediatrician at a baby mill office does the classic lay him down on the paper exam table and marks the paper at the top of his head and then stretches his legs and marks below his feet. This is a link to an example of the device she used, so you can really get a picture in your head.
Well on this device is a clear picture of how to use it. I’ve never seen one of these before and in 10 seconds I get it. Well instead of laying Zane with his head touching the top the way the baby is pictured in the link and in the picture/directions on the mat she lays him so that his feet touch the bottom and then moves the top part to measure his head and says while tapping his belly and smiling at him…and I quote!!…”14 ½ inches! You are getting so big!”
Ok I totally cannot even believe she is thinking my kid is only 14 ½ inches!!! So I say, “I’m sorry I’m not trying to tell you how to do your job but that measurement is all wrong. He was 22 inches long when he was born, that naked Ken doll that Logan has is 14 ½ inches!” So I actually move Zane and measure him myself. Shocked that this girl has this job and now worried about the doctor that would hire such a freakin’ idiot!
Side note Logan has taken to carrying around a naked Ken Barbie Doll that use to be mine. I am always surprised by how many people have a problem with this. I don’t know if it’s because the doll is naked and my son is carrying him around or that I allow my son to carry a Ken Barbie doll. The whole idea that boys can’t play with dolls I don’t get.
But I digress.
So after that we go back to the room and she wants to take his temperature, under the arm. So Zane is sitting on my lap and she is barely holding it under his arm and after about a minute she says “well it hasn’t beeped and it’s not going up so I’ll just say it’s at 94”. Once again my mouth hits the floor. She marks his chart and says the doctor will be in soon. So we wait. I’m watching the clock. Keep in mind no other patients are waiting in the waiting room and after 45 minutes the doctor comes in. I’m irritated for having to wait that long. But the doctor is actually really nice and both of the boys take a liking to her right off the bat so that puts me at ease. Though I have a ton of questions about Zane’s lack of wanting to eat any finger foods other than cheerios and she kind of skirts around the topic and wants to talk about baby proofing. I inform her that we haven’t stopped baby proofing our house since having Logan who will be 3 next month. Anyway, she brings up that Connie the quote-un-quote nurse will be in to do his immunizations and I quickly make an excuse that we don’t have the time to do that and we’ll have to come back another day. My very polite way of saying that woman is not coming anywhere near my child with a needle and we won’t ever be back here.
So what I learned from the situation through a businesswoman’s eyes was the importance of the person you are hiring to be the first face a customer sees. These people should be properly trained and dressed to represent your company.
Hopefully the next doctor we see will live up to my Dr Bonnie expectations.
First off let me say that the place was immaculate. When my 1 year old dropped a cheerio and popped it in his mouth before I could get to it I didn’t cringe. It was that clean. And for people who know me this is a huge thing for me, I’m a bit of a clean freak. The place might as well be a showroom at Ikea for a doctor’s office. Nothing is wrong with that. I joke that they film the Ikea commercials at our house. Hey it’s cute and affordable and we’re not the type of people who will hold on to anything long enough to make the purchase of buying furniture that will last through years of torment. So that being said. The woman at the front desk, the receptionist is friendly enough and smiles when we come in. I tell her who we are. No one else is there…No other patient…. keep this in mind, the entire 1 ½ hours we are there. Which is mildly eerie. Well I have to ask, “Do I need to fill anything out? This is our first time here.” “Oh right! Duh! Yeah this.” As she hands me a clipboard and papers to fill out. So I get to work on the papers and then we wait to be called. The same receptionist appears in front of us and says “Zane your next”…but this time she is wearing this little nurse jacket. Now I am getting a very weird feeling. She takes us into an exam room, it’s just as clean as the waiting room, and tells me to take off Zane’s clothes down to the diaper. Standard stuff. She then holds out her arms to hold him and says, “I’m going to take him to be weighed.” I smile as politely as I can and say, “I’d prefer to be with him at all times.” Call me protective but I’m not just going to hand over my baby to someone I don’t know…nurse or no nurse. So we go down the hall to weigh him and I ask, “do you want me to take his diaper off?” “Oh no leave it on. What we do is I’ll weigh him and then we’ll go back to the room and then you can take his diaper off and I’ll then go weigh his diaper and subtract it from this total.” Puzzled I smile and say, “why don’t I just take it off right here and you don’t have to do the math of subtracting.” “Oh I don’t want him to have an accident and pee all over me and the new scale.” Hmmm. So the scale is actually top of the line baby scale but it’s in this built in cubby area so she suggests I lay him down and I tell her that it will be best if I sit him up cause otherwise if I lay him down he will be able to kick the walls and the weight won’t be accurate. She insists to lay him down so I do and Zane promptly starts kicking the walls and the number of his weight is jumping all over the place and she says “well it looks to be about 19 ½ pounds. We’ll just call it that.” My mouth hits the floor. The weight was jumping between 19-22 pounds depending on when he kicked the walls. So from there she takes me to another room to figure out how long he is. So she has this measuring thing, I’ve never actually seen anyone use one of these. Every doctor we’ve had whether it was a naturopath doctor or a pediatrician at a baby mill office does the classic lay him down on the paper exam table and marks the paper at the top of his head and then stretches his legs and marks below his feet. This is a link to an example of the device she used, so you can really get a picture in your head.
Well on this device is a clear picture of how to use it. I’ve never seen one of these before and in 10 seconds I get it. Well instead of laying Zane with his head touching the top the way the baby is pictured in the link and in the picture/directions on the mat she lays him so that his feet touch the bottom and then moves the top part to measure his head and says while tapping his belly and smiling at him…and I quote!!…”14 ½ inches! You are getting so big!”
Ok I totally cannot even believe she is thinking my kid is only 14 ½ inches!!! So I say, “I’m sorry I’m not trying to tell you how to do your job but that measurement is all wrong. He was 22 inches long when he was born, that naked Ken doll that Logan has is 14 ½ inches!” So I actually move Zane and measure him myself. Shocked that this girl has this job and now worried about the doctor that would hire such a freakin’ idiot!
Side note Logan has taken to carrying around a naked Ken Barbie Doll that use to be mine. I am always surprised by how many people have a problem with this. I don’t know if it’s because the doll is naked and my son is carrying him around or that I allow my son to carry a Ken Barbie doll. The whole idea that boys can’t play with dolls I don’t get.
But I digress.
So after that we go back to the room and she wants to take his temperature, under the arm. So Zane is sitting on my lap and she is barely holding it under his arm and after about a minute she says “well it hasn’t beeped and it’s not going up so I’ll just say it’s at 94”. Once again my mouth hits the floor. She marks his chart and says the doctor will be in soon. So we wait. I’m watching the clock. Keep in mind no other patients are waiting in the waiting room and after 45 minutes the doctor comes in. I’m irritated for having to wait that long. But the doctor is actually really nice and both of the boys take a liking to her right off the bat so that puts me at ease. Though I have a ton of questions about Zane’s lack of wanting to eat any finger foods other than cheerios and she kind of skirts around the topic and wants to talk about baby proofing. I inform her that we haven’t stopped baby proofing our house since having Logan who will be 3 next month. Anyway, she brings up that Connie the quote-un-quote nurse will be in to do his immunizations and I quickly make an excuse that we don’t have the time to do that and we’ll have to come back another day. My very polite way of saying that woman is not coming anywhere near my child with a needle and we won’t ever be back here.
So what I learned from the situation through a businesswoman’s eyes was the importance of the person you are hiring to be the first face a customer sees. These people should be properly trained and dressed to represent your company.
Hopefully the next doctor we see will live up to my Dr Bonnie expectations.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
15 a day
I got a call from a magazine saying that they are going to feature my Picasso Chalk Mats in their December issue. I am so ecstatic and stressed out at the same time. The woman who called said to expect a minimum of 1 thousand orders. Okay sure I can do this. I figured out that I need to make 15 a day. With 2 kids constantly under foot this is a lot harder than it seems. My evenings are filled with cutting and my days are filled with diaper changing, making meals from scratch or almost, raising children who are both kind and intelligent and sewing. Naptime is the most sacred time of the day. I do not answer my phone. I do not check my email. I sit at the sewing machine for 2 hours and I create. I create Art. I create what I love and I create my dream.
Wish me luck.
Wish me luck.
Friday, June 30, 2006
My Love Affair with New York City.
My love affair with New York City. When I was a child I would daydream with my cousin about moving to NYC and being fashion designers and having an apartment together. Then the dream became being an actress in NYC. And then there I was…. doing it. The actress thing didn’t quite jive with me. Beating the pavement and constantly being poor just was not for me. I wanted to be past eating Ramón noodles…those were the college days…I was an adult now, right?!?!
I lived in NYC for 5 years. Fell in love with a writer, married him. Had a beautiful baby boy and promptly left. 6 weeks after he was born. Why?
I don’t know, honestly. I had a million excuses at the time. The top one being “I don’t want to raise kids in this city”. Now after living in the ‘burbs outside of Seattle….I realize that the city life would be better in creating a well-rounded child.
We recently did a 2-week tour of the east coast visiting family and friends. And when I go to visit my parents and family in MD, right outside of DC, which is where I lived for 18 years, I never get that nostalgia feeling of “home”. The feeling where you take a deep breath and think to yourself “I’m home” and exhale with a smile on your face. Nope doesn’t happen for me in Oxon Hill. Instead the entire time I am there that song “which one of these things is not like the other” plays repeatedly in my head. I’ve never felt like I belonged. I’ve always felt like the odd (wo)man out. The black sheep of the family, so to speak. And it’s still this way even as an adult with kids. Sometimes when I’m talking to a family member I look at them and realize they are just nodding their head and acting as if they are interested in what I am talking about…maybe if I watched LOST or CSI or any popular TV program I wouldn’t have this problem. Though I doubt that.
So I’m getting to my love affair. We arrive in NYC and we’re in traffic on the BQE…the kids are so over being in the car….and I actually had that moment…the deep breath and exhale and the smile upon my face and the thought “now this is home”. I kid you not in traffic! And I’m the one driving to boot. After 3 days of bouncing around Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn I regretted ever leaving. I jive with this city. I fit in there. It’s me. I wanted to wrap my arms around NYC and give it a huge “I”VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH” hug! Everything about it, I love. The fast paced world…people walk and talk faster there than anywhere I think. I love that in Queens you can walk 1 block and buy a slice of pizza for your 3 year old, 2 iced coffees and a shirt for your hubby to replace the one the 3 year old yacked all over after being car sick. All in one block! I love that you can walk into a store and no one speaks English. After 5 minutes of being out of your apartment (or your best friend’s in my case) you can pass a black man with dreadlocks, a very old Chinese woman, a middle aged Afghan Woman wearing the full head covering where you only see eyes, a Hispanic 8 year old that promptly says “hola momi” when he passes you and a 30 something white girl walking her 2 kids in the city she loves with all of her heart. Oh yeah..that’s me.
The tricky part is I do remember why I left. It’s hard living there. It’s a constant fight to just walk down the street to get to work. I was done with New York at the time. I didn’t have the fight left in me any longer. More than anything after being pregnant in the summer in that city…I was ready to take it easy a little.
And now here I am. Thankful that we did move cross-country just so we can say we did it. And wishing to be in the place where I call “home”.
I lived in NYC for 5 years. Fell in love with a writer, married him. Had a beautiful baby boy and promptly left. 6 weeks after he was born. Why?
I don’t know, honestly. I had a million excuses at the time. The top one being “I don’t want to raise kids in this city”. Now after living in the ‘burbs outside of Seattle….I realize that the city life would be better in creating a well-rounded child.
We recently did a 2-week tour of the east coast visiting family and friends. And when I go to visit my parents and family in MD, right outside of DC, which is where I lived for 18 years, I never get that nostalgia feeling of “home”. The feeling where you take a deep breath and think to yourself “I’m home” and exhale with a smile on your face. Nope doesn’t happen for me in Oxon Hill. Instead the entire time I am there that song “which one of these things is not like the other” plays repeatedly in my head. I’ve never felt like I belonged. I’ve always felt like the odd (wo)man out. The black sheep of the family, so to speak. And it’s still this way even as an adult with kids. Sometimes when I’m talking to a family member I look at them and realize they are just nodding their head and acting as if they are interested in what I am talking about…maybe if I watched LOST or CSI or any popular TV program I wouldn’t have this problem. Though I doubt that.
So I’m getting to my love affair. We arrive in NYC and we’re in traffic on the BQE…the kids are so over being in the car….and I actually had that moment…the deep breath and exhale and the smile upon my face and the thought “now this is home”. I kid you not in traffic! And I’m the one driving to boot. After 3 days of bouncing around Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn I regretted ever leaving. I jive with this city. I fit in there. It’s me. I wanted to wrap my arms around NYC and give it a huge “I”VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH” hug! Everything about it, I love. The fast paced world…people walk and talk faster there than anywhere I think. I love that in Queens you can walk 1 block and buy a slice of pizza for your 3 year old, 2 iced coffees and a shirt for your hubby to replace the one the 3 year old yacked all over after being car sick. All in one block! I love that you can walk into a store and no one speaks English. After 5 minutes of being out of your apartment (or your best friend’s in my case) you can pass a black man with dreadlocks, a very old Chinese woman, a middle aged Afghan Woman wearing the full head covering where you only see eyes, a Hispanic 8 year old that promptly says “hola momi” when he passes you and a 30 something white girl walking her 2 kids in the city she loves with all of her heart. Oh yeah..that’s me.
The tricky part is I do remember why I left. It’s hard living there. It’s a constant fight to just walk down the street to get to work. I was done with New York at the time. I didn’t have the fight left in me any longer. More than anything after being pregnant in the summer in that city…I was ready to take it easy a little.
And now here I am. Thankful that we did move cross-country just so we can say we did it. And wishing to be in the place where I call “home”.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Swanky Moms Review
Aunt Art Picasso Chalk Mats have been featured on the oh-so-hip SwankyMoms.com.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
New Picasso Chalk Mat Prints
I just listed 4 new fun prints for the Picasso Chalk Mat. They make great birthday presents for kids of all ages.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
I grow tired of pleasing them. I grow tired of having to play this game…this competition with them…this masquerade. I’m speaking of my in-laws. Who I actually enjoy a lot as people. I have a lot in common with my MIL, to be quite frank. But…they don’t like the idea that we want to move from Seattle to the east coast. And it’s not like they live anywhere near us…AZ to be exact. But it’s the competition that they have created and honestly they are the only people playing. They think if we move to the east coast that my parents or my other in-laws (I’m dealing with a divorced in-law situation) would win. Win what?!?! I don’t get it? This isn’t a game…it’s life. And you know what….if you want to be in someone’s life you have to be present. It doesn’t matter how much money you spend or how many cards you send on random holidays. It’s about being here…being with the kids…making a difference in their lives…sharing moments with them. It’s about making a choice. Jon and I have made a choice. We’re east coasters…it’s honestly that simple. Seattle is great and we have made some remarkable friends but we miss the faster pace of life, the determination living and breathing in every person. I miss the tempo rhythm of conversations…the fast…clip clop…stay in the moment…don’t ask me to repeat myself…why weren’t you listening…keep up…I don’t have time to repeat….tell it like it is…life. When you have kids you think about what you want to give them…values, ideals etc. People you want to be in their lives who can influence them…make them better human beings. Jon and I have so many remarkable people in our lives and I am so thankful for each of them…but….I wish my kids knew the people that we love and hold so close to our hearts…I wish they really knew them. My sister hasn’t even met my 10 month old son…and no one is to blame here…it’s expensive to fly and she’s a single mom with 3 kids…we’re struggling to keep our heads above water financially. But we make do with the situation…and that’s fine for right now…but not forever. My best friend has been dating the same guy for almost 2 years and I have never met him. This is my best friend who I have known for 12 years (jabby don’t you feel old.. me just saying that?!?!), who was at the birth of my first son…who when my world crashes I call first. And once again no one is to blame….$ is always a factor…schedules/time off work etc all play into the equation. And when we do move to the east coast it will be a struggle to make friends and form new bonds but you know what? I’ll be happy knowing that if a crisis arises I can jump in my car, strap the kids in their car seats, fill up the tank with gas and head in whatever direction I need to go to “be there” for the people I love most.
So I’ve digressed…kinda….and I’m sure my in-laws won’t read this…but maybe you will. This isn’t about bashing you, cause honestly I love you guys and enjoy you. But us moving…ISN’T ABOUT YOU. It’s about me, Jon and our children and what we want for our children and what would make us happier and living out life to the fullest…. for us.
So I’ve digressed…kinda….and I’m sure my in-laws won’t read this…but maybe you will. This isn’t about bashing you, cause honestly I love you guys and enjoy you. But us moving…ISN’T ABOUT YOU. It’s about me, Jon and our children and what we want for our children and what would make us happier and living out life to the fullest…. for us.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
The Mommy Brain
The mommy brain. No one ever talks about it. I don’t remember it ever being covered in my childbirth prep class. And once I was pregnant with my second child the mommy brain kicked in in full force. And the brain has yet to go back to normal. I’m doing the classic things that my mother did and I am seeing the other moms I know doing the same thing…calling the kids’ by the wrong name, even the pet’s name, forgetting what day of the week it is, forgetting important dates like the year your child was born. Yesterday I forgot my youngest child’s well doctor visit. Ugh, and I’ll be paying the 50 dollar no-show fee to prove the mommy brain. The sad thing is I have a calendar with important dates and events clearly marked hanging in a central location, so you can’t miss it. I even have the days we need to take the recycling to the curb on the calendar.
So here are the things that no one tells you about when you are having a baby that I wish someone would have spoke up and said something…
1. You will forget important things/dates…you’ll constantly feel like you can’t focus. For someone who could multi-task pre kids this will drive you totally insane. You’ll walk into a room and forget what you came for…what you were doing even though you hold the cleaning solution in your hand.
2. Bleeding. Why doesn’t anyone talk about this? I bleed for 6 weeks after the birth of both of my kids and the first time around I thought something was wrong with me physically that I debated going to the ER when the bleeding continued for the 2nd week. It’s normal and every woman goes through it regardless of whether she had a natural birth or a c-section.
3. Hemorrhoids. Please childbirth teachers of the world…talk about it!!!! I’ll be honest here…never had hemorrhoids before…then I have a baby and now I am counting the fiber in my diet. I have blatantly asked the women I know who have had c-sections (I’ve had 2 natural childbirths) and they told me that they too have the ‘roids. So this is obviously a universal thing amongst childbirth.
4. Shoe Size. Not only do I have the stretch marks on my stomach of bearing 2 ten pound babies…but I went from a 6 ½ shoe size to an 8 after the birth of my second child. Now I will admit that my best friend’s mom warned me of this while having a pedicure and being 8 months pregnant with my first son. My best friend told her and I quote “mom you don’t tell a shoe-a-holic this when she’s pregnant”.
So that’s my top 4….keep the conversations going…ask questions….be bold….find out your own answers! Would love to hear from other moms on their top 4 mommy brain picks.
So here are the things that no one tells you about when you are having a baby that I wish someone would have spoke up and said something…
1. You will forget important things/dates…you’ll constantly feel like you can’t focus. For someone who could multi-task pre kids this will drive you totally insane. You’ll walk into a room and forget what you came for…what you were doing even though you hold the cleaning solution in your hand.
2. Bleeding. Why doesn’t anyone talk about this? I bleed for 6 weeks after the birth of both of my kids and the first time around I thought something was wrong with me physically that I debated going to the ER when the bleeding continued for the 2nd week. It’s normal and every woman goes through it regardless of whether she had a natural birth or a c-section.
3. Hemorrhoids. Please childbirth teachers of the world…talk about it!!!! I’ll be honest here…never had hemorrhoids before…then I have a baby and now I am counting the fiber in my diet. I have blatantly asked the women I know who have had c-sections (I’ve had 2 natural childbirths) and they told me that they too have the ‘roids. So this is obviously a universal thing amongst childbirth.
4. Shoe Size. Not only do I have the stretch marks on my stomach of bearing 2 ten pound babies…but I went from a 6 ½ shoe size to an 8 after the birth of my second child. Now I will admit that my best friend’s mom warned me of this while having a pedicure and being 8 months pregnant with my first son. My best friend told her and I quote “mom you don’t tell a shoe-a-holic this when she’s pregnant”.
So that’s my top 4….keep the conversations going…ask questions….be bold….find out your own answers! Would love to hear from other moms on their top 4 mommy brain picks.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Ebay Boutique Set
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Feed ME! Bibs
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
AuntArt on Cool Mom PIcks!
My Picasso Chalk Mats were just featured on Cool Mom Picks!
Check it out to read the feature:
Check it out to read the feature:
Friday, April 07, 2006
As the warm weather is approaching the pacific northwest I spent a few hours going through the rubbermaid containers of clothing that I have stored away to see if anything will fit Baby Zane. Logan kept asking "what are you doin'?" And I explained that these were his old clothes and now Baby Zane is going to wear them since they don't fit you anymore. Well Logan saw these 2 pairs of pants and is refusing to share them. He takes them out of the room and into our bedroom and then precedes to put them both on. He walks back into the room where I am sorting clothes and declares "they still fit! I try em on!" So I had to snap a picture of him and his pants that still fit. haaahaaa. The bottom pair are the Blue's Clues pants I made for his Blue's Clue's Birthday Party last year and the ones on top are Sesame Street. I guess he'll be sporting the ever so popular three quarter length pants this spring.
I must admit it warms my heart that the ones he picked as his faves were made by me. LOVE THAT!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Spring Cleaning on AuntArt.com
Happy Spring Everyone! I am spring-cleaning on the site and I have decided to discontinue the chenille bibs. So every chenille bib is ON SALE! All the chenille bibs are priced to sell at $5!!! In Stock and ready to ship.
Other big news…check out the NEW Everyday Bib designs.
I’ve also added NEW burp cloths with some funky new prints.
All the best,
Other big news…check out the NEW Everyday Bib designs.
I’ve also added NEW burp cloths with some funky new prints.
All the best,
Saturday, March 25, 2006
sick kiddos
What a week! Both of my kids had a stomach virus. I have been pooped on and puked on more times than I can count. I don’t remember them covering this topic in my childbirth prep class. Thankfully it seems like they are on the mend. Let’s cross our fingers that hubby and I don’t get it. The last thing we need.
Anyhoo…once again don’t forget to enter the happily Handmade Giveaway…time is almost up!
Anyhoo…once again don’t forget to enter the happily Handmade Giveaway…time is almost up!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Happily Handmade Giveaway!
Monday, February 20, 2006
Relocating. Ugh! So we’ve made a list and we’re checking it twice and hopefully come June when we visit these cities we will be able to say where we are moving. My head hurts from all the research. I kid you not. Now I understand why people never leave where they grew up…it’s so freakin’ easy to do that! Talk about a defining character trait. Where you live and how long you have lived there defiantly says something about your personality. Adventurous people relocate or at least go away to college and then come back to the hometown. But the people that stay put….born and bred kinda thing….well…let’s just say I think they may need to push their comfort level a bit. Ok enough of a rant. Back to relocating. So we are looking into a few cities but we are limited on where we would like to live cause we’d like to be somewhere between Washington DC and NYC. Basically because of friends and family and the free babysitting. Of course jobs and school systems play a huge part and we’re totally city people so ideally we would like to be in a city environment. So if you are reading this blog and you love the city you live in…send me a shout tell me why you love your area. Sell me your city.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Should have never left the house.
So I go to the dentist today to pick up my night guard cause I grind my teeth at night. I recently went for the first time at this particular dentist for a cleaning when my mom was in town so she was able to watch the kids for me. So I walk in today and the receptionist asks me “is someone coming here to meet you to watch the kids?”….I’m like “no, I was told this was a quick visit just to make sure the night guard fits”. She then tells me that the kids can’t go back with me. Of course I ask why and she tells me that there are too many things they could get into with the instruments etc. Baby Zane is still in the infant carrier/car seat so he’s not getting into anything and Logan is 2 but very shy so he’s typically right at my legs. I explain to her that Logan will sit quietly in a chair while the dentist does the fitting. That he goes with me to all my other doctor appts and is fine. Nope that won’t do. She tells me that I’ll have to reschedule! I then try to explain to her that I ALWAYS have my kids that I don’t have access to anyone to watch them, that my entire family lives on the east coast and the only way for me to come in here without them is to have my husband take off work which we can’t afford to do. She gives me that “smile of a working mom”…anyone who is a SAHM I’m sure at one point has seen this smile. The smile that says “this is why I go to work everyday” or “pay for a sitter like I do everyday”. That smile. She gives me the smile and says, “I’ll talk to the doctor and see what he says”. So she comes back and says that yes I’ll have to reschedule… at this point I am about to blow. Taking the moment to actually grit my teeth I say to her in a voice as calm as I can muster, “I would like my x-ray films and my $300 dollars back for the night guard and I am taking my business to a dentist that is more accommodating towards families.” This begins the stand off. She tells me that she can’t do that. I repeat myself and then add either I get fitted right now or I get a refund…. it’s that simple. And I give her “the smile” of an ex-NY’er that says “you aren’t Fu*kin’ with me B*tch!” She walks away and returns saying that Logan can stay in the kiddy corner and watch a show on the TV. Yes a dentist office that has a stocked kiddy corner but refuses to let the kids past the front desk. So I explain to Logan that I will be gone for 5 minutes and he will watch a show. He’s thrilled as he is only allowed an hour of TV a day so he thinks this is the greatest deal ever. So I leave… am getting fitted for the night guard with baby Zane in the car seat and I hear Logan screaming. I ask the dentist to hurry up and I rush out of there and find Logan standing in front of the TV crying because this woman…this working mom (I saw the Christmas family picture of her and her husband and kids on her desk)…puts on a soap opera! I can hardly believe it! I want to ream her out …I want to demand all of my films and never return….because now I have to explain to a screaming 2 year old that we are leaving and the show he was promised he won’t be watching. Once in the car the tantrum continues and I just sit there thinking I wish I could act like that when I get mad and frustrated. I don’t feel like I can really say anything to him or get upset because I totally understand why he is crying. He was promised something and then didn’t get it. I’d be pissed off too. So I wait for the tidal wave to cease and we head down the road. Just one of those days where I should have never left the house.
Btw…I’m finding another dentist.
Btw…I’m finding another dentist.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
I am so excited about the items I have in store for the jump start of spring...here is the latest that has been added to the site.

Do you have a Picasso in your house? This is the perfect craft mat for your artist-in-residence.
Made from Oilcloth in a bright primary colored crayon print. This fabric is waterproof and protected with a clear finish. Fade, stain, and soil resistant.
Double sided with the same fabric on the reserve side.
Bright red piping that is double stitched around the mat.
Wipe clean with a damp cloth.
Perfect for all craft projects to protect your tabletop whether it’s painting, play dough or coloring.
Extra Large Size: 21 inches x 15 inches.

Do you have a Picasso in your house? This is the perfect craft mat for your artist-in-residence.
Made from Oilcloth in a bright primary colored crayon print. This fabric is waterproof and protected with a clear finish. Fade, stain, and soil resistant.
Double sided with the same fabric on the reserve side.
Bright red piping that is double stitched around the mat.
Wipe clean with a damp cloth.
Perfect for all craft projects to protect your tabletop whether it’s painting, play dough or coloring.
Extra Large Size: 21 inches x 15 inches.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
doubt..always ...lurking
well after some time to really think about it I think my main problem right now is my site. When it comes down to it I don't like the way my pictures are etc. No one to blame but myself and I am totally learning as I go. So I have to say that I am proud of what I have accomplished considering I knew nothing before. Anyway I went to different designers sites, the big wigs, and looked at their sites and asked myself "what do I like about this site?" It all came down to pictures. So I brainstormed a bit and figured out how to incorporate my beachy look with my products in the pictures and I'm really excited to get started on that.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
So I have promised myself that I would write more in this blog in the New Year. I guess you could say one of my resolutions. Not that I have any other resolutions really. Yesterday I just had my own “clean sweep” of the house. I have reorganized my workspace to make it more conducive for working/getting things done. Basically I divided up the room and I have my sewing section, computer section and shipping center. So everything can get done with ease. I still haven’t found the time to get the burp cloths on the site yet which is frustrating. My to do list seems never ending. Not offering one of a kind items is a lot harder than I thought it would be. As I need to buy a lot of fabric at one time and I really have to plan what I am going to make. Before I just bought fabric that “spoke to me” and then I would let it sit on the shelf until I felt inspired to use it. I have faith that I will find a way to make it all work and a way to be inspired to do it. One of the downfalls of working for yourself is that you have to work even when you aren’t inspired. No one is there like a boss asking what you got done that day. So for me when I don’t feel like sitting at the sewing machine I try and get other things done. Whether it’s organizing my workspace (like yesterday) or editing pictures, researching fairs and markets to attend etc. I’ve also been scrap booking a lot lately during the holidays which is nice because it’s a creative outlet and working with a different textile, paper rather than fabric, is a nice change of pace. While scraping I see different ways to mix colors and it inspires me to make clothes. For example I had this heart fabric and then this other fabric that has planes, trains and the world. Now looking at the fabric you wouldn’t automatically say “oh they totally go together” but I have found a way to incorporate them. I am calling the set “love around the world”. It’s also hard to make a valentine’s set for a boy.
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