Anyways….with the lack of sleep my toddler has decided that he no longer needs naps..He’s only 2 for God’s sake! Don’t they nap in pre-school?!?!? Well I refuse to be apart of this madness so I still send him to his room for 2 hours every day in hopes that he will actually sleep but if he doesn’t I tell him he can read his books. Something quiet. Now the naps are totally on baby Zane’s Q’s…he starts rubbing his eyes we all head up stairs to get ready for naptime…whatever time that may be. The key for me to be able to actually get any sewing done during naps is to get Baby Zane down and asleep and Logan can sleep/read /whatever for 2 hours in his room. So far I think I am on track for my shows in November. I am concentrating on bibs and burps cloths. I want to get a print made of Zane on the burp cloth…I’ll post a picture here

So I want to get this pix blown up to about 20x30 so it catches people’s eyes when they walk by hoping that it will draw them in.
Let’s hope my theory will work.
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