SPAM SUCKS!!! So if you ever click on the comments on my blog and you see that it has been removed by me that is because it’s a SPAM. Which totally sucks! I mean come on…don’t you people have anything better to do with your time? And it’s not like my Blog is updated all that frequently…I don’t know if anyone ever reads this thing. Yet I will continue to write.
My daily TO-DO list is so long it amazes me when I’m able to cross off even 3 things. With 2 kids I never thought it would be this hard. But when people say being a SAHM is the hardest job, they aren’t lying. With being a SAHM you then feel like you should be the one who does everything that involves the house…grocery shopping, laundry, daily cleaning, writing the thank you notes for gifts, organizing play dates for your kids so they can interact with other kids and you can actually talk to someone older than the age of 2. The stuff I never knew I would have to do….the list is forever growing…and we haven’t even touched on the fact that I own my own biz and making the products I sell. Hubby and I are talking about moving back east. I’m anxious to move closer to my family but mourn the loss of the wonderful women I have met during the stages of motherhood out here on the left coast. Of course I will always remain friends with them but once we move it will be different….for one I won’t see them every week. But on the other hand I truly miss the friends we left behind on the east coast. And I worry that those relationships will never be the same since we have had kids. I mean I can’t meet up with a girlfriend at DoJo’s for steamed veggies over brown rice with carrot dressing and a cocktail in the middle of the day. Well I could but it wouldn’t be as much fun. Kids in tow at a restaurant is not the relaxing environment it once was. But yet…if it weren’t for the kids my business wouldn’t be what it is today. I started this business before having kids and once I found out I was pregnant with Logan I dove into Aunt Art head first thinking this will be perfect way to make money while staying at home. So in a way if it wasn’t for them (the kiddos) I wouldn’t have had the courage to put this company in the driver’s seat….it would have always remained this “little thing I do on the side”. Count your blessings where you have them I guess, right?